MRO Americas is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

April 8-10, 2025 
Atlanta, GA, USA

Exhibitor Resource Center

Thank you for exhibiting at MRO Americas taking place at the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA,  Building B, Halls B1-B5 and C4. We look forward to helping exhibitors, attendees, contractors, standbuilders navigate through the show.

Please review the information below on these topics. Additional information is available in the Exhibitor Manual and in the accompanying documents on the right side of this page.

Please download the exhibitor manual for more information. If you have any immediate questions, please contact us.

Allison Gold
Senior Events Manager

T: +1.718.501.7675
E: [email protected]

Betty Evans
Event Manager

T: +1.404.985.7992
E: [email protected]

Primary Suppliers


Freeman is the general services contractor and will provide:

  • Rental Exhibits
  • TotalFlex
  • Structural Integrity
  • Cleaning
  • Audio Visual
  • Furniture
  • Furnishing Essentials
  • Accessories
  • Carpet
  • Transportation
  • Material Handling
  • Outbound shipping
  • Signs & Graphics
  • Graphics
  • Fabric Solutions
  • Installation and Dismantle
  • Forklift/Rigging
  • Hanging Sign Labor
  • Chain hoist/truss/sign equipment
  • Rigging

Georgia World Congress Center

  • Electric
  • Internet
  • Catering
  • Plumbing


Georgia World Congress Center
Atlanta, GA
Building B, Halls B1-B5; BC connnector and C4
New for 2025!

NEW for 2025

NEW for 2025 — Targeted Move-In

Exhibitors may have an assigned move-in date and time.

You can  log into FreemanOnline and enter your booth number below to search for your target move-in. If you need to change your target move-in, go to the show schedule and there is a link to change your time slot.

NEW FOR 2025 — Booth Design Approvals

ALL exhibitors in 10x20 or larger inline booths MUST submit plans NO LATER THAN MARCH 5, 2025.

Plans will be submitted via an online portal.

NEW FOR 2025 — EAC Management

Each EAC hired by an Exhibitor must agree to the Rules & Regulations, provide a Certificate of Insurance with the necessary coverages, and pay an administrative fee per exhibitor. The fee applies to all contractors regardless of the service they provide (labor, supervision, products, services, etc.). Payment of $200 for each booth location the EAC is providing services or products for. Payment will be submitted via the online EAC portal and is non-refundable.

NEW for 2025 Better Stands

We are encouraging all exhibitors and their appointed contractors to join us in not building disposable stands. The Better Stands programme has been divided into three key stages – Bronze, Silver and Gold. This helps facilitate a gradual transition from disposable to reusable stands for all exhibitors.

NEW for 2025 Forced Flooring

Flooring is required. Flooring can be brought in by the exhibitor or rented from Freeman. If carpet has not been delivered or installed in your stand by 3:00 pm on Monday, April 7, carpet will be installed by show management and billed back to the exhibitor.

Escalator Renovation Project

Georgia World Congress Center has an ongoing improvement project that involves replacing all of the escalators in Building B. This ongoing project

Exhibitor Move-In

Saturday, April 05, 2025 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Targeted move-in: T01
Saturday, April 05, 2025 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM Targeted move-in: T02
Sunday, April 06, 2025 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Targeted move-in: T03
Sunday, April 06, 2025 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM Targeted move-in: T04
Monday, April 07, 2025 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM All remaining exhibitors

The exhibition will be open for visitors

Tuesday, April 8 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday, April 9 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday, April 10 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Registration Hours

Monday, April 7 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday, April 8 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday, April 9 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday, April 10 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Exhibitor Breakdown

Thursday, April 10 1:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Friday, April 11 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Freeman Exhibitor Service Hours

The Freeman Exhibitor Services team will be available from 8am - 5pm from the first day of Exhibitor Move-in to the last day of Exhibitor Move-out. Hours may be extended the day before show open and the day of show close to assist with additional exhibitor needs.

Service Provider



Booth Plans/Design Approval

Link to come

Questions? [email protected]

March 5, 2025

Booth Plans/Double Decker

Link to come

Questions? [email protected]

February 5, 2025

Catering –
Levy Restaurants

  • official contractor must be used

Catering Menu


MRO Americas EAC Portal

Questions? [email protected]

March 5, 2025


Edlen  (


March 18, 2025


LINK to order Exhibitor Insurance:

For more information/questions:
Betty Evans, Associate Manager, Events
+1 718.730.3192  
[email protected]

March 5, 2025

Freeman Services

  • Rental Exhibits 
  • Structural Integrity 
  • Cleaning
  • Audio Visual
  • Furniture
  • Furnishing Essentials
  • Accessories
  • Carpet
  • Transportation
  • Material Handling
  • Outbound shipping
  • Signs & Graphics
  • Installation and Dismantle
  • Forklift/Rigging
  • Hanging Sign
  • Labor
  • Chain hoist/truss/sign equipment
  • Electric/Plumbing

[email protected]

Take advantage of discount pricing by ordering online at FreemanOnline by March 10, 2025. Using the enhanced FreemanOnline, you will enjoy easy access to added features and functions as well as the high caliber of Freeman services you’ve come to expect — before, during and after your show. To place online orders, you will be required to enter your unique Username and Password. If this is your first time to use FreemanOnline, click on the “Create an Account” link. To access Freeman Online without using the email link, visit FreemanOnline. 

If you need assistance with Freeman Online, please call Exhibitor Support at (888) 508-5054 Toll Free US and Canada or  1 (817) 210-4869 Local and International.

March 10, 2025

Internet –

  • official contractor must be used


Questions: please email us at [email protected]

Lead Retrieval –
Capture Technologies

  • official contractor must be used

Phone: 973.890.7600 ext. 117
Email: [email protected]

Photography & Video

Robb Cohen Photography & Video
P.O. Box 1122, Woodstock, GA 30188
404.636.4567 office
404.217.1558 cell (text during show)
[email protected]

Order Form

Badges for Exhibitors

Click here to register your team. Exhibitors who would like to attend conference sessions may also purchase discounted conference/session badges by choosing either Exhibitor All Access or Exhibitor/ Individual Sessions. You will need a promotion code in order to receive your discount, please contact Virginia Gongora to get the code at [email protected].

Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EACs)/Stand Builders

There is a new process for EACs to Register and be approved to work at MRO Americas 2025.

Questions? Email [email protected]

What does my EAC have to do?

  • EACs will NOT be allowed on the show floor unless all the requirements are satisfied: 
  • EAC must complete all required documentation via the online EAC portal
  • EAC must submit a valid Certificate of Insurance (COI) with the required coverage via the online EAC portal
  • EAC must agree to the Rules & Regulations outlined in Exhibitor Service Kit along with the EAC Rules & Regulations
  • EAC must pay an administrative fee is required for each exhibitor they are representing; payment will be submitted via the online EAC portal
  • EACs must abide by existing labor regulations and/or contracts and all Federal/State/City laws and regulations as well as those established by the event venue and Show.  

Who is considered an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor?

An Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) is a company or contractor hired by the exhibitor, who is not an employee of your company or of an official show contractor. EACs are most often independent installation & dismantle companies but also include supervisors, technicians, photographers, audiovisual, floral, furniture, flooring, and any other contractors who are not the official contractors of the show but provide a necessary service at show site for the Exhibitor.

Can I use the same contractor I’ve been working with for several years?

We recognize that exhibitors may have unique needs or partnerships with vendors other than our official partners. Therefore, we support this choice as long as the EAC conforms to the show and venue Rules & Regulations and carries the required insurance coverage.

Why is this process being implemented or changed?

With the increasing number of EACs, have come numerous added expenses. These expenses include legal costs resulting from increased liability claims, exhibit hall damage, excess cleaning charges, extra administration costs for wristbands, contracting, insurance tracking, etc. Implementing this process with EAC Management will allow us to have better visibility and oversight with contractors working on the show floor.

How much is this going to cost me?

Rather than passing on these added costs to exhibitors, we have implemented an administrative fee payable by the EAC. Each EAC hired by an Exhibitor must agree to the Rules & Regulations, provide a Certificate of Insurance with the necessary coverages, and pay an administrative fee per exhibitor. The fee applies to all contractors regardless of the service they provide (labor, supervision, products, services, etc.). Payment of $200 for each booth location the EAC is providing services or products for. Payment will be submitted via the online EAC portal and is non-refundable.

Should you have any questions regarding the process, please email [email protected].


Exhibitor Event Badges

Visit our Registration Pages to register your team. Exhibitors who would like to attend conference sessions may also purchase discounted conference/session badges by choosing either Exhibitor All Access or Exhibitor/Individual Sessions. You will need a promotion code in order to receive your discount, please contact Virginia Gongora to get the code at +1.347.751.8692 or [email protected].

Booth personnel is unlimited at the MRO events.

Please refrain from setting meetings and inviting customers to your booth during set-up hours. They will not be permitted in the exhibit hall with visitor badges.


Registration Hours

(Registration will take place in the Registration Hall at the International Blvd Entrance)

Monday, April 7 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday, April 8 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday, April 9 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday, April 10 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Each 10’ x 10’ booth will be set with 8’ high black back drape and 3’ high black side drape.  Booths 300 sqft or less will receive a 7” x 44” identification sign.  Booths larger than 300 sqft may receive a 7” x 44” identification sign upon request.

Please Note: Masking Drape is required for all unfinished booths; payment is the responsibility of the exhibiting company. Please see the Furnishings Brochure and Order Form for more information.

All booth designs for MRO Americas are required to adhere to IAEE guidelines. Below, is a summary of those guidelines. All exhibits must comply with the standard (IAEE) Guidelines for Display Rules & Regulations. Please refer to the Display Rules & Regulations if you are not familiar with them.


Back Drape Color


Exhibit Hall Carpet

Flooring is required. Flooring can be brought in by the exhibitor or rented from Freeman. If carpet has not been delivered or installed in your stand by 3:00 pm on Monday, April 7, carpet will be installed by show management and billed back to the exhibitor.

Sustainability is increasingly important to event attendees. Exhibiting at MRO Americas gives you the opportunity to highlight your company’s sustainability credentials and align with an event that champions sustainability. To ensure that your company and exhibiting stand are aligned with Informa’s sustainability goals.

Better Stands

Did you know that one medium sized disposable stand produces around four tons of waste, which is almost 10x the average person’s household waste per year . Designed to be used only once, they have a significant impact on the environment, in addition to increasing health and safety risks onsite.

Better Stands is program aiming to ensure that all core elements of exhibitor stands are reusable. Help us to reduce the environmental impact of MRO Americas by committing to the Better Stands program framework and show that your company values being part of sustainable and socially responsible events.

What’s in it for me?

  • A better quality, more attractive & sustainable stand
  • Opportunity to promote the sustainable credentials of your brand
  • Smoother, more efficient build up and breakdown periods
  • Lower work hours and reduced construction costs
  • Reduce or eradicate your waste bill

What do I need to do?

To make your commitment to Better Stands and contribute to a more sustainable event:

  • Familiarize yourself with the Better Stands framework found below (or click here)
  • Share these guidelines with your contractor before they begin designing your stand 
  • Ensure your stand reaches at least a bronze level, meaning the stand structure and walls, platform or raised flooring, furniture, equipment and lighting are all reused
  • Ensure that the submitted stand design clearly communicates how you will meet the criteria

Learn more:


Exhibitors may have an assigned move-in date and time, based on booth size and location.



08:00:00 AM



01:00:00 PM



01:00:00 PM



08:00:00 AM

You can  log into FreemanOnline and enter your booth number below to search for your target move-in. If you need to change your target move-in, go to the show schedule and there is a link to change your time slot.

You have two options for shipping your advance freight — either to the warehouse or directly to show site.

Warehouse Shipping Address:

841 Joseph E Lowery Blvd NW
C/O Freeman
Atlanta,  GA  30318,  USA

  • Ship early to avoid delays and save money.
  • Freeman will accept crated, boxed or skidded material beginning March 06, 2025 at the above address.
  • Material arriving after March 31, 2025 will be received at the warehouse with an additional after deadline charge.
  • Please note that the Freeman Warehouse does not accept uncrated freight (loose, pad-wrapped material and/or unskidded machinery), COD shipments, hazardous materials, freight requiring refrigerated or frozen storage, a single piece of freight weighing more than 5,000 pounds or a single piece of freight beyond the dimensions of 108”H x 93”W.
  • Warehouse materials are accepted at the warehouse Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM.
  • Certified weight tickets must accompany all shipments.
  • If required, provide your carrier with this phone number: (888) 508-5054.
  • Advance Warehouse shipping Label 
  • Warehouse Hanging sign label 

Show Site Shipping Address:

Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW
C/O Freeman
Atlanta,  GA  30313,  USA

  • reeman will receive shipments at the exhibit facility beginning April 05, 2025.
  • Shipments arriving before this date may be refused by the facility.
  • Any charges incurred for early freight accepted by the facility will be the responsibility of the exhibitor.
  • Certified weight tickets must accompany all shipments.
  • Ensure your driver has the following information to expedite unloading and delivery to your booth: Show Name, Exhibitor Name, Booth #.
  • If required, provide your carrier with this phone number: (888) 508-5054.
  • Show Site Shipping Label

Refer to the material handling form for charges for the service. Please be aware that disposal of exhibit properties is not included as part of your material handling charges. Please contact Freeman for your quoted rates and rules applicable to disposal of your exhibit properties.

Insurance must be submitted by March 5, 2025 via this link:

If you need to purchase insurance, please visit

All exhibitors are required to carry sufficient insurance coverages for this event. Exhibitors shall, at its own expense, secure and maintain for the entire duration of the Event (move-in through move-out), the insurance listed below. All such insurance shall be primary of any other valid and collectible insurance of Client and shall be written on an occurrence basis. Claims made policies are not acceptable and do not constitute compliance with Client’s obligations under this Condition.

Workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurance complying with the laws of the state in which the Event is being held;

Comprehensive General Liability insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 each occu\]rrence, $2,000,000 aggregate, combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage, including coverage for personal injury, contractual, and operation of mobile equipment, products and liquor liability (if applicable); and Automobile Liability insurance (required if bringing automobiles into the Venue) with limits not less than $500,000 each occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage, including coverage for owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, including loading and unloading operators.

The Client’s Comprehensive General Liability and Automobile Liability insurance policies shall name as additional insureds: (i) Organizer and each of its direct and indirect subsidiaries and other affiliates and (ii) the Venue. If requested, copies of additional insured endorsements, primary coverage endorsements and complete copies of policies, satisfactory to Organizer, shall be promptly furnished to Organizer. Certified copies of the Certificates of Insurance or policies shall provide that they may not be cancelled without 30 days’ advance written notice to Organizer. The Client shall obtain a waiver of subrogation from the carrier of each policy described above and the carrier of each other policy that provides fire, explosion or any other risk coverage insuring the Client’s property, in each case releasing in full such carrier’s subrogation rights.

Since many international policies aren’t valid in the United States, all international exhibitors are required to obtain insurance through, the designated insurance provider for the Event. Coverage is subject to underwriting review; Client must review the Ineligible Risks to ensure coverage. Clients may be eligible to opt out of this coverage by providing a valid Certificate of Insurance satisfactory to Organizer with the necessary coverages.

Your COI must include the following:

Producer: Exhibitors Insurance company & their address:

Insured: The exhibitor & their address:

Contact info

Insurer(s) affording coverage: See requirements above Type of Insurance

Policy number

Effective Dates: Must include all move in and move out days Limits

Description of Operations/ Locations/ Vehicles:

Additionally Insured: Must include Informa Media, Aviation Week Network, Freeman (general contractor), and the Georgia World Congress Center, their agents, directors, and employees

Certificate holder / address of certificate holder: Informa Media 605 3rd Avenue, NY, NY 10158

Authorized Representative Signature